Principles & Resources

Our learning journey starts with your story. This is a place to explore your story, to expand your story, to create our story.

Our learning journey starts on Country. The Countries of our place, our home, our peoples, and our places of learning.

Our learning journey is travelled by many people coming together. Through meaningful relationships and collaborations, we create learning experiences that make all our identities and futures possible.

Our learning journey travels across Nations and songlines into our early learning centres, our schools and our universities, to create powerful educative partnerships. Your story, our story, sparks new conversations and connections and possibilities.

We tell our story through the principles of Relationality, Togetherness, Pro-activity, Community and Critical discernment. We extend our understandings through self-reflection and seeking answers by first asking questions of ourselves. We are open to the power of hopeful discovery and change and together we can create our story.

Starting yOUR learning journey.

This professional learning resource is an opportunity to connect your learning story to the collective OUR story to ensure the educational success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in our schools.

In education we celebrate that schools are not the domain solely of teachers but of students and our extended family and community links coming together. Your story becomes our story; my school is reframed as our school; what do I know? becomes what do we know?; and your journey becomes our journey. Together we can acknowledge our story, our learning journey.

This website will help you better understand your own learning story in relation to education and Australian First Nations peoples: to consider what you currently know, how you know it, explore what else there is to know and how to learn more. Sometimes learning journeys can be uncomfortable and challenging as we reflect and expand our understanding. This website supports and encourages you to keep learning.

Learn more now about each principle.

Begin your journey